The Smallest Detail

I was in Phoenix one week before the Kansas City Chiefs arrived—and won the Super Bowl LVII!  I took part in the Mesa Marathon.  I prayed for a story to share, and I was surprised at what came to mind. 

Laura and I headed out the door of our hotel at 4 am the morning of the race. The minute I stepped outside, I regretted my choice to wear a light jacket. We had shopped at Goodwill earlier in the week for “throw-aways” and the one I purchased was so pretty, I decided to keep it. Also, Laura had offered me sweatpants to wear over my capris and I chose to leave them at the hotel room. It may have been Phoenix, but the sun was not up yet! We went to our respective buses—hers to the starting line for the marathon and mine to the half-marathon starting line. The finish line would be in the front of our hotel.

My coach at my first marathon explained that the people at the starting line who look shabby are the experienced runners. They wear old clothing as an extra layer and when the race begins, they throw their extra clothing to the side of the road. It is picked up and donated to charity.

The buses arrived at their destination, and we exited with two hours to wait. Heaters were scattered around so the estimated 3,000 runners could gather in circles and stay warm. There was a little bit of a wind and I again regretted leaving the heavier items back in my hotel room. I watched a young couple unfold their mylar blankets which had been placed in the race packets. I forgot to bring that too! We talked about their three-year-old whom they left with a sitter at their home in Phoenix. He introduced himself and his wife, then he paused.

“Hey, I’m really not cold. Why don’t you take my blanket?”

He insisted although he was dressed in only a short-sleeved shirt and shorts. It sure made a difference as I wrapped the blanket around me. We had another hour to wait. When the time came to move to the starting line, he remembered my name and shouted—"Have a great race!” I had to leave my blanket at the starting line, but I soon warmed up from the sun and the run.

I believe God cares about the little details, don’t you? I remember a story where Jesus made a fire and cooked breakfast for His disciples. In an appearance after He was raised from the dead, He stood on the shore and gave His disciples instructions as to how to catch fish after they had fished all night with no results. While they attempted to pull in the huge amount of fish they caught at His direction, Jesus made the fire and cooked breakfast for His disciples on the shore.

Jesus is here today, just in a different form. When the disciples were sad about His leaving, He told them: “I won’t leave you as orphans. I will ask the Father and He will send you another counselor [or helper].”

The Father, of course, answered Jesus’ prayer. When Jesus went to heaven to be at God’s right hand, there was Someone needed to be with us here on earth. So, God sent the Someone, the Holy Spirit, as Jesus had promised.

If, indeed, Jesus had been there as we gathered around the heater and visited and shared our stories, He would have noticed I was cold and would have shared His mylar blanket with me. I believe it.

Next time, I may be the one who is directed to share my blanket. I’d better be ready.


Just a Small Seed


When the Door Opens