July 30, 2024

I just watched it! Brody Malone’s performance on the pommel horse. As he paused before the start, the television camera focused on his parents and other family members in the stands. Can you imagine their feelings at that point? His performance and the young man to follow him would determine if they got a medal. It would be the first time since 2008. The commentator said: “He sees his father, a man of deep faith.” His finish and that of the final participant was what it took for them to get the bronze medal. Their joy and congratulations to each other as teammates was worth my brief TV opportunity as I returned to my day’s chores.

The stories are part of the beauty of this event—the 33rd Olympiad. Last night as I sat with a friend and watched gymnastics, we learned of the story of Suni Lee, who hadn’t performed in a year because of a sudden attack of swelling and at times a 40- pound weight gain which led to a kidney disease diagnosis. No one thought she would return. But she did—and with a great comeback!

I wrote down quotes as my friend and I watched. The commentators’ comments inspired me, and I didn’t want to forget!

“I invite everyone here to dream.”

“I like to see moments made.”

“Start the impossible.”

I love that the world comes together. When does that happen? As I watched the teams float down the Seine River, I saw countries represented that I had never heard of. It made me think I need to go back to Washburn and take another class in geography! The journey of the flame handed to former Olympians including para-Olympians and the 100-year-old former participant (the oldest one living), was a celebration of the human spirit and that which draws us together.

The finale was Celine Dion’s beautiful comeback, her first performance since she announced her diagnosis in 2022 of a rare neurological disease. She clinched the tone of the Olympics for me as she sang with passion and beauty, in French, “The Power of the Dream.” Wow!

I asked myself this question--what is my Olympic challenge? At age 77, there are challenges for sure. There are challenges at any age and every one of us has a different set of challenges. We must remember we are not alone. Consider the team effort of these sports that we will watch from Paris. Consider also the congratulations from those who do not finish with a medal, such as what I heard as I watched this morning. And it doesn’t matter how small the challenge may seem to others, what we face may seem to us to require an Olympian effort.

A prayer that has become meaningful to me since I prayed it when I was in my 20’s is from Paul’s writing.

“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms.”

Paul didn’t put many periods in his prayers—just one long sentence, but it’s packed with meaning.

For the challenges you or I may face at this time, big or small--GO FOR THE GOLD!




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